Stacy Witbeck California CSLB #414305,2800 Harbor Bay Parkway
Alameda, CA 94502

About the Project

Stacy Witbeck was a key subcontractor on this project to expand Valley Metro’s Operations and Maintenance Facility. Stacy Witbeck constructed the original facility in 2004 to support Valley Metro’s new light rail system. 

The work included site work, trackwork, installation of one traction power substation,127 structural pole foundations, ductbank, earthwork, utility work, and MSE walls. The drainage work included the extension of six laterals, the installation of two stormceptors, and a track drain.  

In addition to the yard track, work included the installation of a shop track within the facility. All work on the project was performed in an active rail yard with ongoing operations around the clock, 365 days each year.

Quick Facts


Phoenix, AZ

Project Type

Maintenance Facility, Light Rail

Delivery Method

Design-Build, Bid-Build

Date Completed


Project Owner

Valley Metro


