Stacy Witbeck California CSLB #414305,2800 Harbor Bay Parkway
Alameda, CA 94502

About the Project

Stacy Witbeck is the sole contractor on this Bid-Build project to upgrade and improve facilities in the Pier B Rail Yard. Work for this project will comprise of demolition, removal, rehabilitation, or modification of existing rail tracks, crossovers, sidewalk, utilities, freeway sign structures, and the existing 9th Street grade crossing, and more. 

Scope will include the construction of asphalt paving, aggregate base, pavement patching, signage, fencing and gates. Additional construction consists of a new retaining wall adjacent to the SR-710 freeway, including king-pile and ground anchors, new Cast-in-Drilled-Hole (CIDH) pile foundations, and earthwork and grading of the site. Traffic control will occur when applicable for construction phasing and wall construction.

Quick Facts


Long Beach, CA

Delivery Method


Date Completed


Project Owner

Port of Long Beach


