Stacy Witbeck California CSLB #414305,2800 Harbor Bay Parkway
Alameda, CA 94502

About the Project

Stacy Witbeck is the managing joint venture partner on this $1.5 billion CM/GC project. Our Mid Coast Transit Constructors (MCTC) joint venture constructed the extension of SANDAG’s light rail system, extending 11 miles to the University of California’s San Diego Campus. 

Seven miles of the project are in a shared corridor with LOSSAN commuter rail and freight rail traffic, the second busiest intercity rail corridor in the country. Work included nine stations, bridges, utilities, roadwork, traction power, OCS, railroad coordination, retaining walls, testing, and startup. 

This project included 25 miles of ballasted track and 23 bridge structures, including nine heavy rail bridges and a long flyover over freight and commuter rail mainlines. The project also included deep foundations, culvert extensions under the existing track, relocation of a US Navy fuel line and other third-party, public, and private utilities, nine stations, OCS, traction power, signals, and communications systems.

Quick Facts


San Diego, CA

Project Type

Bridges and Highways, Light Rail, Parks & Public Spaces

Delivery Method


Date Completed


Project Owner

San Diego Association of Governments (SANDAG)

Subsidiary Involvement

Modern Railway Systems




"The leadership and integrity Stacy Witbeck brought to building this project was exceptional. This was the true partnership you promised."

Director, SANDAG